Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Creating your dream job that supports your lifestyle

I love to spend time learning and we have lots of speakers here at the spa, look on and you will see, creative chakra spa specializes in this. Education is power, the more you have, the more tools are at your disposal, for instance, I am a Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist and Pilates Teacher and so this is how I created California's Leading Holistic Spa, five and half years ago. Understanding that the more tools you have to help by being dedicated to holistic health and fitness, the more clients will distinguish what you do above others and the unique attention they get is integrated in my beliefs and passed down to those I employ. This creates great client satisfaction.

I really am just doing what I enjoy, I love nature, I love people, I love to have them laugh with me, I love to see them smile, I understand what it is like to be an A type personality and hold tension, I now understand the amazing empowering effect it has on your life and health if you can just let it go; the tension, for a hour..a day..a month..a year,a lifetime. It is just like taking golf or tennis lessons, remember those? We are training our muscle memory and our minds to let go so we can truly be in the moment with life and then its' details are easy. Therefore we have more time.

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Creating a Lifestyle and your dream job!

I am so glad summer is here, I take a half hour sunbathe every day, it is like being on vacation and it takes just a minute to be at the waters edge. It takes all of a minute as it is a wide stretch of sand! People wonder how I can work 7 days a week from 10am-9pm? The answer is I created a lifestyle that works for me, the spa I own and created is steps from the beach and every little area around Creative Chakra, is enticing to me! Heck, yes, I know it is for the clients, that is why you have a business but hey when it is so slow, I AM the spa client, I treat myself to facials and mudwraps.

I eat lunch on the lanai or on the ocean porch swing looking at the smooth ripples on the pacific ocean...I would just dream to be able to do this and I am doing this! Once, I took a low paying massage job at a spa just because it was by the ocean (it wasn't this close, I had to roller-blade to it!) and therefore conducive to my lifestyle but I found was not to my pocket! Create and environment for your life, your dreams and your pocket.

I love the morning, I do yoga in the beautiful zen studio or on the oceanfront sometimes with my assistant, sometimes with a coffee (shh, I shouldn't true yogis don't do that yet I do, its' the morning!) and you can bet, our work day rocks after that. Yoga is so centering and the breathing energizes you, really focused day of work and not only that you just keep knocking out each task flowing from one to the next. The best health insurance, for sure, as I don't have any.

If I didn't work for myself, I would have to save up and go to a spa or a yoga studio, not only that, I would have to get in the car and drive there (not green!) and have to take a guilty day off work so yes, this is the dream job and this is only the icing on the cake.

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